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Bernadette Emerson

I don’t know what we would do without KC Woof Pack to care for our pitbull Rosie when we travel. Rosie is a rescue who is a loving family dog, but she also has a lot of anxiety. After living in a shelter, staying in a traditional boarding facility would be miserable and traumatic for Rosie. When staying with Corrina, however, Rosie thinks she’s at dog camp. She gets lots of fresh air, love, and exercise. Corrina understands so much about pit bulls and other rescue dogs who have difficult pasts, and Rosie instantly connected with her. We are so grateful for Corrina and her care and expertise!

Lynne Cox

I rescue dogs by networking them to safety. "Oscar" was in danger of being shot by a neighbor because he barked and acted aggressively when the fellow ran his lawn mower near him as Oscar stood at the end of his chain. I was frantically looking for a foster when KC Woof Pack came to the rescue. Corrina took him in and helped make him a steady dog and eventually, he was adopted and to this day is a happy, healthy, friendly dog living in a wonderful home. Corrina does the real work with these dogs and her knowledge and patience is invaluable to the ones who need that bit of extra care. I would hate to lose such a wonderful resource to the rescue community and hope that she will be able to continue her excellent work for years to come. There aren't many like her or KC Woof Pack.


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