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Breed: Dane/Hound Mix

Approx. Age: 4+ years

Date of Rescue: 05/2015

Favorite Things: Long walks, running free in the country, naps on the couch or preferably your lap and playing with the ladies.

Unable to Rehome: See his story below.


Why We Love Him: He is great with other dogs and helps with a lot of our new dog introductions. He does very well with dogs who are timid or lack self confidence.


The most lovable stud in all the land

If you would like to sponsor Diesel

to help provide for his continued care, please click the link below.

His Story: Diesel was tied out to a pole for at least three days during horrific thunder storms, while the man who found him tossed burgers and open water bottles to him b/c he couldn't get close enough to rescue him due to Diesel's fearful and aggressive behavior. For months after coming into our home, he would wet himself while barking aggressively at strangers.

Diesel has PTSD and will have episodes of severe panic if unable to get out of the house during thunder storms (if his caregiver is not home). During a panic episode, he can do a great amount of damage to personal property and himself. Due to his PTSD and ability to jump 6 ft fences, Diesel will remain in the care of the Woof Pack for the rest of his life. 


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